Top Blogs World Best Beaches: Spring Break for Adults

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Spring Break for Adults

Signs that the claws of winter are finally loosening their grip are plentiful: buds opening anew, windows flung open to receive cool breezes, college kids rolling onto the beach like so many drunken locusts. Yes, it's time for Spring Break, and all the swimsuit-swapping, tequila-slamming, MTV-televising madness that comes with it. But wait a minute: Haven't you also survived the cruel winter? Where's your spring break, your chance to baste in the sun and rock that bikini? Don't get stuck at home planting azaleas: For every beach hot spot luring the college kids with booze cruises and booty-shaking contests, we've found a sophisticated, adult version nearby. Sure, you might have to share the plane with a bunch of overstimulated adolescents, but that's why we grown-ups have first-class upgrades.

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